Cris Mooney's Home Page is here.

Pittsburgh Volleyball
Thursdays, Fall 2000.

North Side YMCA

(old team here)

Members of the team:

Cara Ogram email
Beth Kline email
Ken York email
Matt Coy email
Cassidy, Amanda email
Daninhirsch, Mike email

Alternate: Mooney, Cris email
Alternate: Olin, Marc email
Alternate: Beasley, Sean  email
Alternate: Vilsack, Scott  email
Alternate: Jason Williamsemail
Alternate: Mark Matthewsemail
Alternate: Thompson, Pete email

Mailto: All

Here's our Thursday schedule:

Sep. 31 7-9 Practice/Scrimmage
Oct. 05 8:50 Calvin's Crew - LLL
Oct. 12 6:50 Shrinky Dinks - WWL
Oct. 19 6:50 Easter Hair - LLL
Oct. 26 9:50 Shrinky Dinks - LLL
Nov 02 7:50 Welshers - LLL
Nov 09 7:50 Ski Club - LLW
Nov 16 9:50 Hot Balls - LLL
Nov 30 6:50 Kirkpatrick - LLL
Dec 07 7:50 Calvin's Crew - LLL
Dec 14 8:50 Welshers
Dec 21 Playoffs
Dec 28 Playoffs


Cris Mooney's Home Page
(Last Update 10/19/2000)